Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Planet X 2012 NASA and the Truth About the Approaching Planet [nasanasainfo.blogspot.com]

Planet X 2012 NASA and the Truth About the Approaching Planet [nasanasainfo.blogspot.com]

At a briefing from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden announces new agreements with three American commercial companies, Sierra Nevada, SpaceX and Boeing, to design and develop the next generation of US human spaceflight capabilities, enabling a launch of astronauts from US soil in the next five years.

NASA Chooses Next-Gen Companies for Human Spaceflight

The end of the world in the year 2012 is one of the most talked about topics ever since the movie came out in 2009. There are several theories about how exactly the world will end. One of those theories involves Planet X or Nibiru. It is expected that the planet will cross Earth's orbit in 2012. The impact of the collision is likened to the strength of the explosion of 10 million nuclear bombs and will likely cause huge tsunamis, grave volcanic eruptions, and large tidal waves.

The following are some of the information you need to know about Planet X 2012 NASA.

1. Where It All Began Zecharia Sitchin theorized that the Sumerians discovered Nibiru thousands of years ago. He came to this conclusion by translating some important Sumerian documents and discovered that the planet travels around the Sun every 3,600 years.

On the other hand, psychic Nancy Lieder claims to have been warned by aliens about a planet that would cause the Earth catastrophi c destruction. She initially pegged the event in 2003 and when nothing happened, moved the date to 2012.

2. According To NASA Although the events mentioned earlier coincide with the end of the Mayan Calendar at December of 2012, NASA is adamant that all these theories are baseless. NASA claims that the term "Planet X" is used as a code to refer to an unnamed planet. Once named, NASA drops the term and replaces it with the appropriate name. The term "Planet X" has been used by NASA to refer to several other planets that are being studied and have not yet been named. That is the agency's side to the Planet X 2012 NASA theory.

3. The Existence of Planet X a.k.a "Nibiru" There are several claims from NASA that deny the existence of the Planet X 2012 NASA. Most of the excerpts published over the internet involve claims that astronomers mistakenly thought an asteroid to be the planet. However, due to advancement in NASA technology, the more advanced instruments can be used to determine once and for all whether or not the asteroid is a planet or not. Another excerpt talks about scientists withdrawing their claim of discovering a planet. NASA then reported that the scientists were mistaken. They did not see a new planet but, Nemesis instead. Nemesis is the twin sister of the Sun. NASA also denies an alleged photographic evidence of the planet and dismisses such as a very distant galaxy.

Right now, there still no conclusive evidence regarding the existence of Planet X. Even if NASA has proof, they are not releasing it to the public. There are. two sides to the coin. Believers claim that NASA is simply covering the discovery up. But skeptics choose to believe the space agency. The rest of us are not in the position to challenge their theories. But we are not as helpless as we can always choose which side to believe in.

Find More Planet X 2012 NASA and the Truth About the Approaching Planet Issues v

Question by Zamaza: Where can I find out how to make the gel you see in the "NASA" ant farms? I want to make my own, uniquely shaped ant farm for an art project using the blue 'ant works' ant farm gel. I can not find it forsale as just the gel, nor can I figure out how I would make it or something similar. Best answer for Where can I find out how to make the gel you see in the "NASA" ant farms?:

Answer by Scott W
I am also looking for how to make the gel. I did not find a site for a recipe, but I did find this site which sells gel packs with the aquarium as a mix your own gel http://edu-sci.com/ant-gel-lab-p-227.html If you find the actual recipe for it, please mail me at: impatience@gmail.com Thanks!

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