Thursday, August 9, 2012

The NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 Connection []

The NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 Connection []

Science Chat with NASA's John Grunsfeld and JPL's Charles Elachi

WASHINGTON â€" A prototype NASA lander crashed and burned in a test flight at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA spokeswoman Lisa Malone says it appears that the methane-powered Morpheus lander is a total loss. She says nobody was hurt in the ... Experimental NASA planetary lander catches fire, crashes during Florida test ...

What is the NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 connection? To give you some background information on this, there are some that believe that Planet X is a heavenly body that is on a route to pass by Earth very closely every 3,600 years. This planet, also known as Nibiru, is believed to be the cause of what some say will be the end of days in 2012. NASA has remain tightlipped and has even refuted the possibility that such a planet exists.

If NASA is the leading reputable source for all things celestial, then why does the NASA Nibiru Planet X connection still exist? A woman named Nancy Lieder claims that an alien civilization known as the Zetas have been in contact with her. They actually captured her and implanted a communication device in her brain. Lieder then put a website online that gives the public access to the messages the Zetas are sending to the Earth through Lieder.

Lieder claims that the Zetas will visit the Earth in 2012, and that the Earth will experien ce three separate attacks. In this NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 connection, Lieder states that the first attack will be similar to the meteor attack that killed the dinosaurs. The second attack will cause major earth catastrophes through magnetic pole reversal, which would in itself cause widespread death and destruction. And the final attack is believed by Lieder to be an invasion by the Zetas which will wipe out the rest of the population that remains.

So what does NASA have to say about the NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 connection. They talk about Planet X much more scientifically, and say that Planet X is a generic term that is given to any celestial body that is believed to be a planet before it is given its permanent name. This is their explanation about why you can find the terminology "Planet X" written repeatedly in their research over the years. For NASA, Planet X does not indicate one specific planet but rather many, many planets and most have since been given othe r names. NASA further claims that there is not a mysterious planet moving towards ours on a 3,600 year route.

Still others believe that there is a NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 connection, and this is that NASA and the federal government have taken steps to cover up their scientific evidence. Many believe that the effects of Nibiru, or Planet X, coming close to the Earth will be simply devastating to the planet and that NASA and the government know this. They understand that they are helpless to do anything to protect the planet, and likewise would not be able to control the widespread mayhem and panic that would ensue if they backed up these claims. Thus, people believe they are covering up the truth. You should decide for yourself what you believe to be true. If you believe the end is coming near or even that widespread devastation would result from such events as described here, take steps to prepare yourself through basic survival strategies and preparations.

Suggest The NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 Connection Articles v

Question by Craig C: NASA: "Significant" amount of water found on moon? Could this discovery by NASA lead up to a permanent moon base on the moon? Best answer for NASA: "Significant" amount of water found on moon?:

Answer by Bella
Nasa is planning to establish a lunar base. The amount of water discovered may mean that the base will be easier to maintain. If they can collect and purify water on the Moon, that would mean that less would have to be transported from Earth.

Answer by Reality, Common Sense, Deceny
Water can help create oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as supply delicious fluids(which take up a ton of room on all NASA missions).

Answer by Harley Drive
it's nasa drivel finding a bit of water ( or signs of it) is a long way from extracting it and using it they are after more funds

Answer by E.C.R =éast coast rapper=
if that happens n they say u want to stay here or there i ould chose earth how bout u

â€" [NASA]


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